Heat Grids 4.0

The Competence Center for Heat Grids 4.0 works on current issues associated with grid-based heating and cooling supply. We support our customers from the district heating sector in the development and implementation of strategies for the transformation and decarbonization of their existing heating networks and develop concepts and solutions for efficient and sustainable supply systems based on "cold" district and local heating and bidirectional networks for new construction. Our main focus is on the integration and combination of renewable heat and cold sources as well as short- and long-term storage and on the integration of thermodynamic converters. Both in the area of existing networks and in the area of new construction, we support our customers by means of comprehensive screening to identify suitable funding opportunities for their projects. 

The competence center also advises on linking thermal and material network infrastructures and analyzes potential for coupling the electricity and heat sectors. Intelligent deployment strategies based on this analysis ensure the efficient and sustainable operation of integrated thermal grids that provide system services for the power supply in addition to a secure heat supply.


Our services summarized for you: Transformation of thermal networks and systems



District and process heat supply by heat pumps as a replacement for coal combustion


Way to a significant reduction of energy use in the cooling supply.


Push2Heat is an EU-Funded project that aims at addressing the technical, economic, and regulatory barriers that prevent heat pump heat upgrading technologies to be widely deployed.