Where am I?
Integrated Energy Infrastructure
Phone +49 355 35540-149
Operational Manager Geomechanics and Geohazards
Mobile +49 241 80 96780
Geoscientific Labs
Phone +49 234 33858-168
Head of High Temperature Heat Pumps
Phone +49 355 35540-155
Heat Grids 4.0
Deep Geothermal Energy and Borehole Systems
Integrated District Planning
Phone +49 234 33858-226
Operational Manager Geothermal Geology
Scientific Manager Geomechanics and Geohazards
Operational Manager Integrated District Planning
Phone +49 234 33858-160
Phone +49 234 33858-170
Exploration & Simulation
Energy technology
Phone +49 234 33858-215
Phone +49 234 33858-210
Geothermal Geology
Monitoring and Artificial intelligence
Head of Deep Drilling and Completion
Phone +49 234 33858-173
Near-Surface Geothermal Energy
Phone +49 234 33858-174
Head of Energy technology
Phone +49 234 33858-208
Head of Global Georesources
Phone +49 355 35540-400
Mobile +49 172 2305046
Innovative Drilling
Phone +49 234 33858-178
Head of Deep Geothermal Energy and Borehole Systems
Phone +49 234 33858-179
Reservoir Geophysics
Phone +49 234 33858-180
Head of Process Engineering
Phone +49 234 33858-181
Transfer & Strategy
Integrated Building Energy Systems
Assistant to the Institute Director Bochum
Phone +49 234 33858-183
Business models of system transformation and technology transfer
Phone +49 355 35540-154
Gas, Hydrogen, & Material Infrastructures
Head of Near-Surface Geothermal Energy
Phone +49 234 33858-184
Phone +49 234 33858-185
Real Estate
Head of Public Relations
Phone +49 234 33858-177
Phone +49 234 33858-187
Process Engineering
Phone +49 234 33858-238
Micro-drilling technology
Phone +49 234 33858-188
Head of Micro-drilling technology
Phone +46 70-960 11 43
Phone +49 234 33858-190
Energy management and control
Phone +49 234 33858-191
Phone +49 355 35540-158
Mobile +49 355 355-40400
Science Communication
Head of Drilling Department
Phone +49 234 33858-192
Head of Post-Mining-Exploration
Phone +49 234 33858-193
Phone +49 234 33858-194
Head of Heat Grids 4.0
Phone +49 355 35540-148
Assistant to the Institute Director
Phone +49 234 33858-209
Phone +49 355 35540-202
High Temperature Heat Pumps
Project Coordinator - Project RefLau (F&E) and Personnel Manager
Scientific Manager Integrated District Planning
Phone +49 234 33858-196
Phone +49 355 35540-159
Phone +49 234 33858-137
Phone +49 234 3210-781
Mobile +49 152 56 89 96 80
Head of Geotechnical
Phone +49 234 33858-198
Phone +49 234 33858-199
Phone +49 234 33858-216
Mobile +49 175 909 5306
Phone +49 234 33858-200
Scientific Manager Geothermal Geology
Phone +49 234 33858-201
Head of Monitoring and Artificial Intelligence
Phone +49 234 33858-203
Phone +49 234 3210-233
Phone +49 234 33858-205
Phone +49 234 33858-211
Geomechanics and Geohazards
Phone +49 355 35540-173
Phone +49 234 33858-206
Phone +49 234 33858-134
Monitoring and AI
Phone +49 234 33858-130
Messen & Veranstaltungen
Mobile +49 234 33858-131
Phone +49 355 35540-201
Assistant to the Institute Director Cottbus
Phone +49 355 35540-140
Phone +49 234 33858-133
Phone +49 234 33858-135
Coordination and communication of the TransHyDE hydrogen lead project
Phone +49 355 35540-143
High Temperature Heat Pump
Phone +49 355 35540-168
Information Management
Global Georesources
Phone +49 355 35540-146
Phone +49 234 33858-175
Online PR, Graphics & Corporate Design
Phone +49 234 33858-142
Manager of International Affairs
Mobile +49 173 24 25 513
Head of geoscientific labs
Phone +49 234 33858-143
Head of Gas, Hydrogen, & Material Infrastructures
Phone +49 355 35540-142
Integrated Energy Infrastructures
Mobile +49 721 6809-248
Phone +49 234 33858-144
Monitoring and Artificial Intelligence
Thermodynamic Converters
Phone +49 355 35540-152
Thermodynamic Exchanger
Phone +49 234 33858-145
Head of Integrated Energy Infrastructure
Phone +49 721 6809-163
Phone +49 355 35540-151
Deep Drilling and Completion
Phone +49 234 33858-146
Phone +49 355 35540-160
Head of Administration
Phone +49 234 33858-147
Head of Laboratories
Phone +49 234 33858-148
Phone +49 355 35540-161
Phone +49 234 33858-149
Expolration & Simulation
Phone +49 234 33858-150
Phone +49 234 33858-151
Erdgas-, Wasserstoff- und stoffliche Infrastrukturen
Head of Transfer & Communication
Mobile +49 151 67802187
Head of Reservoir Geophysics
Phone +49 234 33858-152
Head of System Integration, Automation & Operation Management
Phone +49 355 35540-162
Head of Science Communication
Phone +49 (0) 170 887 888 6
Phone +49 234 33858-140
Head of Thermodynamic Converters
Phone +49 355 35540-205
Phone +49 234 33858-157
System transformation technology transfer
Phone +49 355 35540-163
Phone +49 234 33858-158
Phone +49 355 355400-40
Phone +49 355 35540-170
Phone +49 721 6809-0
Phone +49 355 35540-172
Mobile +49 170 9547-830
Phone +49 355 35540-153
Transfer National
Phone +49 234 33858-165
Phone +49 355 35540-150
Building energy supply
Phone +49 355 35540-147
Phone +49 234 33858-161
Head of Georesources
Mobile 0160-93152362
Phone +49 234 33858-166
Head of Innovative Drilling
Phone +49 234 33858-167