Renewable cooling needs to be at the center of the supply side strategy to address the decarbonisation of the cooling sector while managing the expected exponential growth in demand. While some technologies are already well established, such as geothermal cooling in large building systems, their potential remains largely untapped. Moreover, further research and innovation can bring to market innovative renewable cooling solutions that provide a different set of benefits – for instance geothermal absorption cooling for district heating or process cooling. The »COOLING DOWN« project aims to propose a vision for a renewable cooling sector in Europe in the coming decades, and issue policy recommendations and proposals to achieve it. To develop this vision, extensive research about the potential of renewable cooling technologies – in line with the Renewable Energy Directive Article 7 requirements for eligibility as renewable cooling – and the projected trends for cooling. Beyond the technological, economic and social trends to be assessed through research, expert consultations and modelling, the »COOLING DOWN« project will also be seeking to address the contribution of renewable cooling technologies to climate change adaptation with a specific focus on the mitigation of the urban heat island effect.